Kevin Smith's finishes his horror script for Red State

Smith says it's his shortest film, with the least dialogue and something he wouldn't usually write.

By Matt Holmes /

Kevin Smith can't wait to film his horror script which he has just completed this week according to the man himself on News Askew found via Bloody Disgusting.

"It is written. Finished €œRed State€ today. Shortest flick (in terms of page count) that I ever wrote. Least amount of dialogue, too (not to say there€™s no dialogue; just that there€™s about half as much as I normally write). Unlike any other script I€™ve ever authored, to say the least. Very fucked up. If I€™d never said anything about it in the press and put it out under a pseudonym, I doubt anyone would ever connect me with it. Can€™t wait to shoot it."
All we know about the flick is that it's titled Red State and is inspired by extremist Baptist Minister, Fred Phelps who is infamous for hating gays and picketing Iraqi soldier funerals. Finally then Smith decides to shoot something a little different. Remember he says he has a comic book movie he is eyeing up to direct after Red State also. If you listened to the commentary track on Clerks II, before pre-production he felt it was a step backwards in his career to film another comedy and that after ten years of film-making it should have been time to move on to something more mature but then he got so wrapped up in nostalgia that he couldn't help it and the result was a pretty fine film. Well, he's decided to give us another comedy with Zack and Miri Make a Porno but after that, it looks like he is going to try and make that leap to the next level, finally. I'm really interested to see how this turns out!
