Kevin Smith's RED STATE deals blow to HIT SOMEBODY

By Owain Paciuszko /

Kevin Smith's attempts to get funding for "Red State" have become the stuff of legend. After the post-"Grindhouse", money cautious Weinsteins said "No way" in 2007, Smith came up with the idea to leech off the legion of fans he has around the world, via a sponsored donation system. You know, the kind that people run when they are doing something stupid or a test of physical endurance for charity or releasing a "Radiohead" record. When that didn't really pan out, we fully expected "Red State" to quietly die. Astonishingly though, Smith has told his fans via twitter (found via /film) that not only has he managed to raise the cash for "Red State", but it's shooting in July as his next movie. His hockey drama with "Forrest Gump" - but not as ambitious - aspirations, "Hit Somebody", will have to wait; Smith tweeted;

€œI talk about lots of stuff I wanna do that either happens years later or never happens at all. Happy to report RED STATE is not the latter" €œFirst draft was dated 9/5/07. Looks like we start shooting this July. Took nearly three years, but we€™re finally gonna roll on RED.€
"Red State" sees Smith take on the horror genre, something he's only approached before cameoing in "Scream 3". Using controversial pastor Fred Waldron Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, as an inspirational spring-board for his first draft screenplay, suggests this'll be a horror film more in the mold of, say, "Night of the Hunter". The title itself refers to the difference between Republican and Democratic states in America, the former being 'red' and the latter 'blue'. Smith has made subtle allusions to where the financing for the project is actually coming from, wryly tweeting; €œ(*Marches across big lawn, up front porch*) I'm home, Momma." This seems to suggest that he's back in bed with the Weinsteins, though this would be quite surprising seeing as they originally passed on the picture. Perhaps Warner Bros. were pleased with "Cop Out's" thus far reasonable box-office, and the outside of View Askew sensibilities. Meanwhile "Hit Somebody", with Seann William Scott leading is on hold. The film based upon the Warren Zeven song 'Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song)' would tell the tale of Buddy, a guy who loves Hockey and wants to play professionaly .And he gets a chance to play hockey but not the way he wanted to. Being a bad stick man, but very violent, Buddy is the guy who takes the opponent out so the more talented players can score the goals. Expect more announcments on Red State to come thick and fast, as Smith is probably eager to get both these projects moving ASAP. More than likely expect the word 'tweet' a lot in future articles too!
