KICK-ASS tease

Lionsgate promote it as Spider-Man for six year olds, which is the exact opposite of this violent and bloody comic book adaptation!

By Matt Holmes /

I find it odd that the biggest buzzed' blockbuster movie since Star Trek, has received such an average, so-so, stuck in 3rd gear, kind of trailer. It's pedestrian. It's middle of the road. It's macaroni and cheese. It's Joseph Fiennes (adequate, but always leaving you wanting more).

Will the real Kick-Ass please stand-up? Lionsgate have mashed together most of the clips that delighted the comic-con crowd back in July into a teaser trailer for Matt Vaughn and Mark Millar's Kick-Ass (16.04.10), accompanied by odd grunge music, daytime cartoon title cards and some very odd character introduction shots of the supporting players. And bizarrely for the money men... no mention of any of the actors that are in this (Nicolas Cage for one, you would think brings assess to seats). But most of all, it's misleading. The trailer suggests a light-hearted, family friendly picture. A Spider-Man that you can take six year olds too. Which by all accounts is completely the opposite of what will be served to us in April, as Kick-Ass is bloody, violent, unforgiving and brutal. Kick-AssTrailer Park | MySpace Video A couple of my peers are apologizing for it claiming it's because the heavy stuff has been kept under lock and key for now as this is a green band trailer. Drew McWeeny says...
I was just talking to Matthew Vaughn about the inherent difficulty of cutting a trailer for "Kick-Ass" earlier today. He was bemoaning the fact that most of the money shots in the film are impossible to put in a trailer, either because of spoilers or because the MPAA would blow a gasket if you tried to show certain things.