Kirsten Dunst; "I'm In" for SPIDER-MAN 4

By Matt Holmes /

Out promoting her new movie HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS AND ALIENATE PEOPLE, actress Kirsten Dunst has revealed to MTV that she's "in" for Sony's SPIDER-MAN 4, reprising her role of Mary Jane Watson. But she then follows up with €œI€™m not saying anything, I know there€™s rumors€€, which cryptically either means she has signed on for the new film but quickly realised that she can't say anything or she wants to be in the new movie and is using the press to get her name out there. Back in 2004, if Dunst wasn't contracted to a SPIDER-MAN 3, she might have turned down the opportunity to return. I think she believed she was beginning to start a career away from the character of Mary Jane after major leading roles in ELIZABETHTOWN and MARIE ANTONITTE but when both movies flopped, she has since found those kind of parts hard to come by. Four years later, with little leading roles on the horizon, I don't think she can afford NOT to put her name in the ring for the fourth movie. Currently, only Sam Raimi & Tobey Maguire are on board for a fourth movie (which may be shot back to back with SPIDEY 5) from a script by James Vanderbilt (ZODIAC).
