Lara Croft getting it on with a former James Bond?

By Matt Holmes /

Moviehole are reporting that the sequel to the 1999 hit movie The Thomas Crown Affair is beginning to pick up pace, with an offer made to a huge star to appear opposite lead Pierce Brosnan. That star being actress Angelina Jolie. The movie titled The Topkapi Affair is based on an old Peter Ustinov crime caper and will not star Rene Russo as the original movie did and will instead focus on a new women, a new location and new plot all together. Jolie would be a massive coup for the film although I can't see it happening. It was only last month that Jolie claimed she wanted to take a break from acting for a while after shooting so many movies this summer. So unless she has changed her mind about taking a break, I just can't see this as possibly being true. One other thing about this Thomas Crown Affair sequel. Why have they have dropped the "Thomas Crown" part from the title of the film when that surely is the most memorable and recognisable part?