Looper Trailer Online & It's Brilliant

The first full trailer for Rian Johnson’s sci-fi Looper has been released to the web and it is brilliant.

By Mike Histon /

The first full trailer for Rian Johnson€™s (Brick, Brothers Bloom) sci-fi Looper has been released to the web. And it is brilliant. Set in the near future, where time travel exists on the black market, the film stars Joseph Gordan-Levitt as Joe, a specialised assassin known as a Looper, who kills victims sent back in time by criminal organisations. But he falters when he comes face to face with his older self, played by Bruce Willis, and is forced to track down himself down. There has been much talk about Gordon-Levitt€™s transformation into a plausible young Willis, and, as evidenced in this trailer, it is more than just prosthetics that have been employed to do so. The actor adopts a gruff delivery that matches Willis€™ own pattern, though Willis himself gets no lines in the trailer. There€™s also plenty of shootouts, explosions and fist fights, with the sci-fi elements apparent but not overwhelming. Watch the trailer below; http://youtu.be/0uIWGOKW5OM Across this week, we€™ve seen three teasers for the trailer, one-minute long videos in which Johnson and Gordon-Levitt have discussed the film and teased this trailer and, while the success of this method may be questionable, this trailer certainly delivers. Whilst Inception parallels are possibly unavoidable, given the grounded sci-fi content of that film and the presence of Gordon-Levitt in it, the fact that this trailer prompts a similar reaction is no bad thing, at least not for this writer. Looper also stars Emily Blunt, Paul Dano and Jeff Daniels, and is set for release on September 28th.