Looper Trailer Tease Arrives

Admittedly, this tease doesn't show us very much from the actual film beyond how charming Joseph Gordon-Levitt is.

By Luke Stevenson /

What a place Hollywood is; the noble and brilliant movie bosses at Hollywood's dark tower of evil have now started doing teases for teaser trailers which are teasers for normal trailers which are really teasers for films. All in all you can't help but get the impression that Hollywood is the big kid in the playground dangling a chocolate bar in front of your face; the big tease. However the most remarkable part of all this is; it still manages to get me very, very excited (no not big kids in playgrounds, trailer teases) on occasion. Especially when that occasion is about one of my picks for 2012: Rian Johnson's intriguing looking sci-fi actioner Looper. See the trailer tease, here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w19y1NrH6vM&feature=player_embedded Admittedly, this tease doesn't show us very much from the actual film beyond how charming Joseph Gordon-Levitt is. However it does give us nice little snippets of footage, such as explosions, Bruce Willis appearing out of thin air and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's face. The best part about this trailer tease is the simple fact that Rian Johnson confirms a teaser trailer in three days, this Thursday to be exact. (..Yes, now is the time to be excited.) What do you think Looper will be like? What do you think of trailer teases? Jeff Daniels, Paul Dano, Emily Blunt co-star in Looper which opens on September 28th.