LORD OF THE RINGS Extended Blu-rays Coming 2011?

By Matt Holmes /

The timing seems crazy, what with The Hobbit: Part I due in theatres Christmas 2012 and the fact geeks will already have the whole of the Star Wars Blu-ray's to purchase in the run up to this Christmas, but The Digital Bits nevertheless report that Warner Home Video and New Line are planning to release the long-awaited Lord of the Rings: Extended Edition Blu-rays later this year. The thinking behind it, I guess, is to give ourselves a whole year to become re-acquainted with the 11 hour+ trilogy - whose last film Return of the King was released theatrically seven years ago - and so we'll all be anticipating the return of Middle-Earth even more. New Line had previously released the no-frils theatrical edition Blu-rays a little while back, infuriating those who own the superior Extended Edition DVDs who wanted to upgrade to 1080p and I would feel sorry for all those that have to double dip - but you must have known this was coming. An official announcement is expected in the coming weeks. Excitedly, WB are also planning European Blu-ray releases of the black-and-white Kubrick classic Lolita and his lush Barry Lyndon in May. They've also heard Universal plan to release Jurassic Park and Scarface on Blu-ray this year. Yup.. I'm officially going to have no money by the end of 2011.