I must have watched both versions of the trailer about 20 times each now and theyre still giving me goosebumps. You might have heard the news that some fans cried during its unveiling at ComicCon, while another less emotionally governed onlooker has been quoted saying any doubt I had was gone with that trailer. Whats caused this overt display of adulation? Well, simply put, the trailers seem to truly understand the character. Together the two alternate voice-overs by Crowe and Costner present a Clark Kent who is alien to our world, possesses the power of a demi-God but whos been raised to know true humanity by the warmth of his Earth parents. Both are as integral a part of Supermans character as the other, and in recognising this simple detail so beautifully, the two-part trailer campaign has smashed it out of the park. Lets just all hope the movie itself follows suit.