Mark Ruffalo's Hulk Gets Sequel in 2015?

The Avengers actor signs on for five further Marvel movies, that could include Hulk 3.

By Neil Tillbrook /

The Avengers hype is still going strong - and if you haven't already seen it yet, then why not? Unless of course it hasn't been released in a multiplex near you, then you have an excuse. It seems that you can't go a single day without hearing more information from the Hulk (get it) of a film, and this day is no exception. Mark Ruffalo has signed a deal with Marvel to appear in no less than five more films, the first of which is the global success that is The Avengers. There has been no confirmation however as to what these other five films include, whether they're Samuel L. Jackson style cameos in Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2 or the very distant The Avengers 2. If this were to be true, this would leave one film standing alone - could this mean that a stand-alone Hulk film is on the cards? In an interview with Collider, Ruffalo spoke about the possibility of doing so.
"Why not? It was the one character€ you know I was a comic book kid and I really always loved the Hulk, and then when The Incredible Hulk, that show, came on, I would not miss that. So if I was going to find myself in this world, this is the guy that I€™d be most likely to be interested in doing. Yeah, and to make a very short answer long, I€™d love for him to do his own movie. You know I think it€™s a tough nut to crack because, like you said, it€™s hard to watch a guy who doesn€™t want to be there for two hours."
Ruffalo's comments come so soon after Paul Gitter, head of Marvel merchandising, told Forbes that sales for The Hulk toys have shot through the roof since The Avengers went mainstream and it could lead to Marvel decided to "spin him off to a stand-alone program", meaning a third Hulk movie in 2015.
"His sales are up in a major way. We repositioned him from where he was always misunderstood to now depicting him in a more heroic and aspirational manner."
This is terrific news. Ruffalo has been receiving nothing but praise for his role as the charismatic Bruce Banner and the uncontrollable Hulk. Despite his pre-conceived nerves it seems that audiences and critics alike are viewing his carnation of The Hulk the most character like when compared to the efforts of Eric Bana (2003) and Ed Norton (2008). Although their individual efforts were plaudible, I definitely agree with the majority. After all, coming to terms with the big green monster and making him your own must be a daunting task in itself. Whether the stand-alone film materialises we'll have to wait and see, but until then I can safely say that no-one will tire of seeing the big green guy in films any time soon. Within reason of course - I'm not sure a period drama will be truly fitting for some mass destruction. Then again, everyone needs a little bit of "Hulk...Smash!" in their life.