Marvel: 15 Biggest MCU Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 15th)

Nightmare, Betty Ross Returns and Peter Dinklage?!

By Simon Gallagher /

The business of scoops continues to be one of the driving factors in movie coverage these days, and that goes doubly for comic book movies. And as long as that genre remains the golden flag-bearer of the industry, pulling in all the money and the attention, people will spin rumours, break secrecy clauses and flat out lie to get their share of the pot.


When it comes to gobbling up those delicious rumours, Marvel fans are some of the hungriest, so it goes without saying that they are the best to cater to. That's why there's always so much talk of what's happening, who's appearing and what storylines might be adapted in the MCU before any concrete news has landed. And in a round-about way, even this FAKE NEWS, as one particular popular fella might brand it, is helping drive hype for studios.

That's why so many leaks appear to be so precise and on-the-button: because studios genuinely know the value of a well-placed pot-stirring rumour leaked at just the right time. Still, it's often hard to pick the real from the entirely fabricated, even if all this rumour-mongering is terribly exciting for fans already losing their mind over the potential direction of Phase 3.

Here are the latest and biggest MCU rumours, revealed and rated...

15. Betty Ross Is Coming Back

Quite weirdly, a story appeared on the Scottish Daily Record recently revealing that Avengers: Infinity War is set to film in Scotland (because nothing says the bleak desolation of space like inner city Glasgow...) that seemingly unwittingly confirmed the return of an important Hulk character for the sequel...

"Brie Larson of 21 Jump Street fame is expected to play Captain Marvel, while Liv, daughter of Aerosmith rocker Steven, is rumoured to be playing her Incredible Hulk character Betty Ross. Inverness-born Karen [Gillen], 29, is reportedly preparing to star as galactic supervillain Nebula."

Interesting - as is the Nebula link, which feels more likely, even if calling her a supervillain isn't quite right, given her face turn in Guardians Vol 2.

Rating: 6/10

Not that her father is back and has unresolved issues with the Avengers team, it's unlikely he's going to go away any time soon. Expect him to be the major thrust of the sub-plot in Infinity War as he tries to uncover the whereabouts of the missing heroes and enforce even tighter restrictions on other powered people.

And having his daughter pop up as the continued voice of reason would make sense, particularly as Ross has unresolved business with the Hulk, who in turn has some pretty big loose ends with Betty.

Maybe Marvel will actually finally get a female character right too when she returns?
