Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 New Rumours & Leaks You Need To Know

From Avengers 4 set spoilers to Black Widow movie news.

By Mark Langshaw /

It's an exciting time to be a Marvel Cinematic Universe fan. Black Panther is just around the corner and Avengers: Infinity War will arrive hot on the heels of T'Challa and his fellow Wakandans to usher a decade's worth of successful superhero adaptations towards their endgame.


The epic cosmic slugfest with Thanos is expected to spill over into next year's mysterious Avengers 4, the movie that will bring Phase Three and its story arc to a close. Although there are future films lined up, such as Spider-Man: Homecoming's sequel and Captain Marvel, nobody knows what the MCU will look like, post-2019.

Marvel's plans remain a closely-guarded secret, but the leaks and rumours keep on coming, giving fans a hint or two about what might be coming up. Just for starters, numerous set spoilers spun out of Avengers 4's production before directorial due the Ruso Brothers wrapped up shooting this week.

Set leaks aren't the only source providing fans with a glimpse at the MCU's possible future. News outlets have been peddling rumours about the next films which could be on the horizon, and one or two of them might surprise you...

10. Classic Cap Returns

Marketing materials from Avengers: Infinity War confirm that Captain America will sport a rugged new look, likely because he's leaving the stars and stripes behind to assume his Nomad identity from the comic books.


Previous leaks depicting a funeral had Cap fans concerned, with many tipping Chris Evans's hero as the most likely candidate to end up inside the coffin, but photos from the set of Avengers 4 suggest the world hasn't seen the last of classic Steve Rogers.

The images, originally posted by JustJared before finding their way onto social media, show Cap in his original red, white and blue getup. Judging by the character's appearance and the surrounding devastation, it looks like Avengers 4 could be making like Back to the Future Part II and revisiting the original movie.

Does this mean Earth's Mightiest Heroes will use time travel to visit the events of the original Avengers' Battle of New York? That certainly looks to be the case, which begs the question of why they might need to do that.

Most likely, it's to undo some of Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet-powered meddling. Perhaps Cap will perish during Infinity War, forcing the heroes to jump back in time to recruit another version of the character, one untainted by the events of recent MCU movies such as Civil War. This would position Rogers as the MCU's version of Gandalf, returning from the dead to turn the tide of battle.
