Marvel Cinematic Universe Films - Ranked By Their Villains

Which MCU film has the best baddies?

By Anthony Going /

Say what you will about the individual movies that comprise it, but there is no denying the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most remarkable achievements in the history of film. The foresight, patience, and acute attention to detail demonstrated by Marvel in creating its own universe filled with some of the biggest names in comic book history has resulted in unprecedented success and a combined worldwide box office nearing $10 billion. With the release of Guardians of the Galaxy this summer, the MCU canon officially grew to ten films, with another five scheduled for release in the next three years. By bringing together the likes of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and the Incredible Hulk, Marvel has created a new model for comic book movie success. A model that DC, 20th Century Fox, and Sony are scrambling to replicate by forming the Justice League, combining the X-men and Fantastic Four franchises, and creating the Sinister Six, respectively. But a successful cinematic universe needs more than just superheroes. It needs villains too. For every Iron Man, there must be a Mandarin. For every Thor, a Loki. For every Captain America, a Red Skull. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has no shortage of bad guys. And now that its canon has grown to ten films, we feel it's time to rank those films by their baddies. This is not a ranking of the MCU's villains themselves (because, come on, who's not putting Loki at the top of the list?) but is, instead, a ranking of the films based on the villains of each. After all, you can't have an awesome superhero movie without a badass villain causing destruction every step of the way.