Masters of Cinema releasing newly restored Nosferatu DVD!

One of the greatest works of Horror in the history of cinema finally gets the DVD treatment it deserves.

By Matt Holmes /

Nosferatu, one of the corner stones of German Expressionism and one of the most influential horror movies of all time is to finally get the DVD treatment it truly deserves from the Masters of Cinema label. The movie was of course the first adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel Dracula which angered many (including his widow) in the 1920's who didn't want the project to be made, and a lengthy court battle would ensue.

The film has never really had a really good DVD release, which a movie that's over 80 years old so badly needs. Here's the details of this exciting release, taken from DVD Times...
The Masters of Cinema Series is proud to present, at long last, Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror in its definitive restoration, complete with original intertitles and accompanied by the score that played with the film at the time of its initial release. Features include: 2 x DVD special edition of the 2007 F.W. Murnau-Stiftung restoration with the original score. Full-length audio commentary by Brad Stevens and R. Dixon Smith A 96-page book containing articles by David Skal (author of Hollywood Gothic: The Tangled Web of Dracula from Novel to Stage to Screen); Thomas Elsaesser (author of Weimar Cinema and After: Germany's Historical Imaginary); Gilberto Perez (author of The Material Ghost: Films and Their Medium); Enno Patalas (former director of the Münchner Stadtmuseum/Filmmuseum, where he was responsible for the restoration of many German classics, including Nosferatu); a newly translated archival piece on vampires by the film's producer Albin Grau; notes on the film's restoration; and archival imagery. 53-minute German documentary about Murnau and the making of NOSFERATU complete with fascinating footage of the film's locations today. Restoration demonstration More extras to be announced
The commentary track along with the restoration of the original score has got to be the highlights of this release for me, although the book and the near hour long documentary are great extra's too. If you have never seen Nosferatu then this is most definitely the release to get as it promises to be the best print of the film with the best audio transfer it has ever received. This is going straight on my DVD wish-list for Christmas.