Matthew Vaughn to tackle Thor?

By Matt Holmes /

Matthew Vaughn who worked on the Marvel comics property X-Men 3: The Last Stand just long enough to cast Kelsey Grammer and Vinnie Jones before dropping out, is said to be in talks to direct another Marvel franchise. This time it's the mighty Thor. The LA Times are telling us that Vaughn, the director of Layer Cake, is in talks to helm a movie based around the character. This is quite interesting for a number of reasons, not least the main one being that the reason he dropped out of X-Men 3 was said to be because he didn't want to move to the U.S. and force his family to go with him whilst he worked on such a big project. Surely it's going to be the same with Thor? Is this a decision that Vaughn has made because he regrets dropping out of X-Men 3 or do you think it's simply due to the fact that he wants to do a superhero flick and this one seems right? I mean after all you have to believe that if he had regrets over X-Men 3, he would simply pitch an idea to 20th Century Fox for an X-Men 4. Vaughn's sophomore movie, the fantasy flick Stardust is released in August in the U.S... is their possible similarities there with Thor? source - film junk, moviehole