Matt's Top 10 of 2008

By Matt Holmes /

THE MOVIES THAT MOVED ME THE MOST AND GOT ME EXICTED FOR CINEMA'S FUTURE. aka, the movies that I connected with the most this year. I don't really wanna say "Best" because it's a bit more personal than that. Which is why I use the word "Top", take that to mean whatever you will... milk 1. MILK A timely film, a one that not only gives me hope for the future of cinema but for the future of America in a time of much optimism. Sean Penn blows every other performance of 2008. Every ounce of Penn's cinematic past is dismissed with a very early scene with James Franco (who is also solid in this one). This for me is absolutely the best film of the year. Gus Van Sant made a movie that isn't pandering to gimmick a decade or an influential and important man's life. It simply paints a honest projection of life in the 70's and specifically the life of Harvey Milk. The last 20-30 minutes of this film and the downfall of Josh Brolin... man I knew what was coming and I was still screaming for it not to happen. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN was my favourite of 2007. THE DEPARTED was my favourite of 2006. Will MILK make it a hat trick of Best Picture Oscar Winners/Matt's No. 1 pick. 2. THE DARK KNIGHT Speechless. I was utterly speechless when I walked out of the jam packed screening of THE DARK KNIGHT, filled with the same reaction millions must have gotten when they first saw what Tim Burton did with the character in 1989. I now feel like I've seen the best Batman movie I will ever see and a movie at the peak of one of the great artists of cinema. This Christmas I recieved the Stanley Kubrick Archives, an amazing book that chronicles the life and work of one of cinema's greatest and well it's shelved near my Blu-Ray copy of THE DARK KNIGHT and ya know, Christopher Nolan is going to finish his career with one of these books. His name is going to stand alongside the likes of Hitchcock and Scorsese. My favourite literary character has a movie that is impossibly great. I believe I can play the movie back in my head scene for scene, I know every beat and transition.There€™s so many moments that haunt you for hours after viewing it, so many images that are now part of our popular culture of film and will stand the test of time. THE DARK KNIGHT not just excites me for the future of the character of Batman but also for the future of the character and of course Chris Nolan, can't wait to see what you do next mate. (READ MY BLU-RAY REVIEW OF THE MOVIE HERE) wall_e 3. WALL*E The best science fiction film since THE MATRIX ten years ago is an animated, mostly silent epic from the guys at Pixar and ya know, I never doubted it once that it would be them that achieved it. These guys are the Walt Disney, the Roald Dahl, the Tolkien of their day in that they are making movies that will work for it's audience when they are aged 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 88 and won't change their message, only how you perceive it as you grow older. I dare say the movie is aimed to grab you when your older. I saw this movie in a cinema packed of ADULTS, mostly those in their 20's. Pixar were very aware of who they were aiming at with this movie but again, I hope adults showcase this movie to their kids. Pixar excite me that if I ever did have children one day, I know the best education I could give them for life would be Pixar's body of work. WALL*E made me remember what it was like seeing TOY STORY for the first time as a kid in the cinema. It's also the reason why UP is one of my most anticipated movies of 2009. 4. THE WRESTLER Similar to THE DARK KNIGHT, it's almost been the movie I've waited my whole life to see. I was obsessed with this sport for many years and always knew there was a good story in it. Funny how I always thought it would come from a re-telling of Bret Hart or Mick Foley's unlucky and inspiring career path to fame but it's even more amazing it's come from an original screenplay by first time feature writer Robert D. Siegel and from a director who I've never been able to connect with. I hated THE FOUNTAIN. I said so in my mini-review. I wanted Darren Aronofsky to make something smaller and he went even smaller than I ever imagined. And you know what? It's made THE WRESTLER the biggest movie he has ever made. Welcome back Mickey Rourke!!! (READ MY REVIEW OF THE WRESTLER HERE) 5. LET THE RIGHT ONE In a year where I'm sick of hearing about the vampire series TWILIGHT, this unlikely Swedish horror sucked it's teeth deep, deep, DEEP into me and never let go. My favourite love story of the year is between two 12 year olds, well one 12 year old and one 12 year old who "has been 12 for a very long time". Wow, what a movie. Shocking, scary, frightening, uplifting and really smart. Every year a foreign movie that surprises me about how a genre could be told in a new and completely improved way. It's a movie that plays on the conventions of vampire stories. The more you know, the more you love it and it ALWAYS keeps up and doesn't disappoint you in it's knowing of the genre. The movie constantly went in a way I wasn't expecting, just genius. IF YOU GET A CHANCE TO SEE THIS, MAKE SURE YOU DO! 6. THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON Timeless. The only movie that made me cry in 2008 and there wasn't even a particular moment that did it. It's almost the cold and pessimistic feeling you get from this whole impressive David Fincher package. It piles on moment after moment and it's long stream of conscious message can't help but reach you. Also without doubt the best special effects I have ever seen in any movie and completely craps on the shoddy effort made by the guys behind X-MEN 3: THE LAST STAND when they did the same to Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan. And is Brad Pitt that handsome or was he subject to special effects? Man, he is one beautiful fella ain't he? The rare case of a movie actually surpassing it's source material and it gives me a lot of hope that one day, sometime, somewhere, someone will make THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN which has a similar narrative from a Richard Matheson story. Actually maybe I don't need to see that tale adapted for screen anymore, maybe BENJAMIN BUTTON is that film. Actually the more I think about it, the moment where the impossibly beautiful Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt look on their reflection together in the mirror, you will know it when you see it. Ouch, so painful and gets me every time. 7. THE ORPHANAGE For the first six months of the year this as my favourite film of the year and before LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, my favourite horror movie for many a year. I called it the "tensest 105 minutes of 2008", certainly the tensest experience I had in the theatre this year. And every one around me, I take sick delight from seeing young girls screaming in horror and giving director Juan Antonio Bayona exactly what he wants. A reaction! A feeling. A response. It's a mystery that touches on themes of grief and how one€™s memory of tragedy is sometimes too much for us to overcome. In a strange way, it shares a lot with THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON. So many of the Hollywood shit that they try to promote as horror just passes me without effecting you in any way. It's a mystery that touches on themes of grief and how one€™s memory of tragedy is sometimes too much for us to overcome. In a strange way, it shares a lot with THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON. 8. CLOVERFIELD I knew this movie would get forgotten about my so many critics. It came to early in the year to be even thought of at this point. I loved this movie, probably my favourite 2 hour experience seeing any movie this year. I'm drawn to it for it's supreme intelligence and approach to the concept (see DIARY OF THE DEAD for how every other director would have attempted this and fail), Matt Reeeves' perfect storytelling ability. Love how they treat the monster. Always giving you just a little tease, adding such myth and mystery to this evil being. I absolutely adore the underground scene, wonderful. Those spider creatures, so effective. My biggest regret of the year was not seeing this in the cinema. If I had, it may have been a lot higher on this list. 9. ELEGY - I'm so pissed no-one went to see this movie. I loved it. Ben Kingsley should be nominated for Best Oscar but hasn't been getting any buzz what-so-ever. Such a shame. My review of the movie HERE. 10. REVOLUTIONARY ROAD - A movie that is so painful to watch. I love how it's almost the story of what happened to Jack and Rose after they got off the TITANIC. Would that epic romance they shared over those precious hours, really carry over eight years in the future when they are settled in suburban life. When the daily routines kick in, the dishes and the other chores and rituals of married life. Would they still "never let go" then? Thomas Newman, just like he did with ROAD TO PERDITION has pushed the unique and timeless direction of Sam Mendes into something more with his emotional score.. Just like The Wheelers, I'm always hunting for more, specifically with cinema. Newman gives me so much more from Mendes with his score. I could see Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio work together till the day they give up this acting gig. OTHER MOVIES I REALLY LIKED IRON MAN - Better than BATMAN BEGINS and rivals SPIDER-MAN 2 as the most faithful adapted superhero comic book adaptation of all time. Robert Downey Jr gives the best hero performance I've seen in the genre for many decades, the most comfortable since Christopher Reeve first put on the red, white and blue in SUPERMAN. Possibly the biggest surprise of the year, I just didn't think Jon Favreau was making something that good. THE GOOD THE BAD THE WEIRD - Korean master Ji-woon Kim, the director of THE HOST, has adapted, remade and reproduced my favourite film of all time, Sergio Leone's THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY. And guess what? He actually gets away with it and has made a wonderful movie. I love how crazy and unique it is. That opening train sequence shows EXACTLY how you remake a movie in this day and age but keeping your movie fresh and original. BURN AFTER READING - In many ways, the movie I think I'm going to end up watching more than any other. I can imagine this movie being the one that gets much replay airtime with me, it's such a breezy short masterpiece from the Coen Brothers. So much fun. These guys make it look so fucking easy. Ok so it's not NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN but it was never made to me. It's a caper comedy which reminds me of the best of Hitchcock/Cary Grant. Delicious. HELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY - I've praised Guillermo del Toro so much on this site, it could almost be called ObsessedWithDelToro. Can't wait to see his HOBBIT but before then I'm going to see HELLBOY II at least a dozen times. One critic once called it the STAR WARS cantina scene stretched out for two hours on screen. I can't think of a better way to describe it myself. W. - Josh Brolin is amazing! MAN ON WIRE - Inspiring. And boy, Philippe Petit was a genius when he recorded the "messing around/pratice" home video footage during the months before his daring wire cross over the Twin Towers. I still can't believe he did it. I see it but I can't believe it. Would love to see this transformed into a feature movie, but I'm not quite sure how it can be done. SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE - Taking the "glitz" out of Bollywood cinema, showing what Mumbai really is. Great movie from Danny Boyle! ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO - Kevin Smith has once again made me laugh more than any other storyteller this year. Awesome. GHOST TOWN - Man, I was so ready to hate it but those Ricky Gervais re-writes, man he aimed for Capra and he made a movie at least as good as Bill Murray's SCROOGED. That's a big compliment. I said all I wanted to about this movie HERE. Can't wait to see Gervais' THIS SIDE OF THE TRUTH which should be one of 2009's best. QUANTUM OF SOLACE - The most kick-ass Bond movie ever made. The best thing CASINO ROYALE did was free-up this franchise and I can't see us ever being showcased a bad movie if they are handled as smartly and as free as this. FULL LIST OF THE REST OF THE MOVIES I SAW THIS YEAR......




Didn't Like...

INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL WANTED HANCOCK HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS AND ALIENATE PEOPLE SMART PEOPLE THE INCREDIBLE HULK THE HAPPENING 27 DRESSES THE MUMMY 3: TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPREOR JUMPER THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL 21 VANTAGE POINT GET SMART SPEED RACER VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA MADE OF HONOR LEATHERHEADS Movies that haunt me every single night for not seeing (though to be fair, a lot of these aren't out in the U.K. yet)... RACHEL GETTING MARRIED SYNECHDOCHE NEW YORK THE BROTHERS BLOOM THE READER BABYLON A.D. RIGHTEOUS KILL BODY OF LIES RAMBO THE SPIRIT VALKYRIE CHANGELING AUSTRALIA FROZEN RIVER EAGLE EYE THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM HAPPY-GO-LUCKY STREET KINGS TAKEN THE STRANGERS CHE DOUBT THE FALL IN BRUGES KUNG FU PANDA THE BANK JOB TWILIGHT (for some reason, I feel like I should have made the effort to see this) Wow, so many I missed out on. That annoys me! Overall, the great movies were GREAT. But on a whole the movies weren't quite as good as 2007, especially the very dire first half of the year. But looking at those top ten movies, especially the first half of the list and I'm more than satisfied by what 2008 has left me. THE DARK KNIGHT and THE WRESTLER in particular I have waited all my life to see. And I can't quite put into words how happy I am to see them. Can't wait to see what 2009 has to offer.