MCU: 10 Most Paused Moments

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with plenty of blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments...

By Gareth Morgan /

Over the course of 23 films, spread out over the last 12 years, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has gifted us with more iconic cinematic superhero moments than anyone can count.


Yet, for every outstanding scene which instantly made fans leap out of their seats or cry tears of joy/sorrow in cinemas all over the world, there's always another which holds more secrets than we initially realised during our first watches of an MCU flick.

But, due to the fact that suddenly hitting the pause button in the middle of a public screening of an Avengers movie thankfully isn't a thing (yet), most fans are forced to wait until a feature has been released on home video or a streaming service to really break down those juicy moments which frustratingly passed them by originally.

From unexpected easter eggs hinting at a bold new future to seismic sequences too unbelievable to fully appreciate in real time, each of these MCU scenes demanded audiences to halt their regular viewing experience for a spell in order to completely absorb every last bit of glorious information on show.

10. The Infinity Gauntlet - Thor

Long before Thanos was snapping half of the universe out of existence in Avengers: Infinity War, the Mad Titan's weapon of choice was cheekily hinted at in one of the earliest MCU entries.


During a scene in 2011's Thor, involving some Frost Giants attempting to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters, fans were given a tour of Odin's vault on Asgard. It was here where we spotted a number of mysterious artefacts. However, one rather vital weapon seemed to initially pass us by in an instant.

As the Frost Giants are incinerated by The Destroyer in the vault, the mighty Infinity Gauntlet, equipped with all six Infinity stones, can be spotted for a split second before they meet their explosive end.

Of course, this particular gauntlet would eventually be explained away as nothing more than a fake in Thor: Ragnarok during Hela's wander through the very same vault. But, this subtle moment, when paused and appreciated, was clearly dropped into the flick to tease what would eventually become one of the most important events/storylines in the MCU and Marvel history as a whole.
