MCU: 12 Things You Learn Rewatching Captain America: The First Avenger

One of the MCU's most underrated movies.

By Jack Pooley /

Marvel Studios

Our MCU rewatch series continues with arguably one of the least talked-about and most underrated entries into the franchise, Captain America: The First Avenger.


While not among the series' most critically or commercially successful movies, it was nevertheless a pleasant surprise to many at the time, who were ready to dismiss it as nothing more than jingoistic, pro-U.S. propaganda.

As it turned out, thanks to the script's knowing tone, The First Avenger is a solidly enjoyable solo romp, benefiting from strong casting and a more nuanced script than many earlier MCU films.


It's certainly not perfect - as is even more abundantly clear in 2018 - but it's also one of the more interesting MCU movies to revisit, if only because it feels like such a far cry from where these characters are today.

Some may sniff at its period setting and general lack of grit, but given the potential for Cap's debut to be a tonally misjudged dud, it's impressive just how damn entertaining it (mostly) still is...
