MCU: 15 Most Powerful Items In Marvel's Phase 3

The Infinity Gauntlet isn't the only artefact in the MCU...

By Simon Gallagher /

It's wrong to say that superheroes don't need tools to help them be more powerful. Even Marvel's closest thing to an invincible character - Captain America - has his shield, and Hulk will wear a helmet and will wield an axe for his battle scenes in Thor: Ragnarok. Everyone can fo with a little help.


Since the MCU is already well established, we've seen incredibly powerful tools introduced that have changed plots, killed off major characters and taken already impressive heroes and villains to another level of power altogether. Phase One saw the Destroyer, Phase two brought the Cradle of Life and black hole grenades, and Phase three has already been blown wide open by the magical artefacts introduced in Doctor Strange.

These items will undoubtedly shape the way Marvel's slated movies will play out, fundamentally affecting the hierarchy of power and offering hints at which characters will basically be unbeatable in battle. But which is the most powerful we'll likely see in Marvel's upcoming releases?

Here are the 15 most powerful items you'll see in Marvel's Phase 3...

15. Captain America's Former Shield

Cap's trusty shield has been through a lot: it's not as impressive as some of the more magical items in the MCU, or as devastating on the face of it as some of the other blunt force objects, but this weapon is basically the metal version of Cap himself. It's resilient, resourceful (in that it can be used as a frisbee/boomerang as well as combining with Mjolnir, Vision's power blasts or Iron Man's heat blasts) and basically invulnerable.


As an indictator of its power, it sent Thor packing when he slammed Mjolnir into it, so it's obviously worthy of a slot. And it seems to be protected by weird logic, since it's made of Vibranium, and yet it was able to withstand the exact same combo blast that melted Ultron's Vibranium shell.

The key thing about the shield now is that it's actually not in Cap's possession: it's likely that it will be once again by the time Thanos gets his hands on the Infinity Stones (or tries), but for now it's in the hands of General Ross and his underlings. You have to wonder whether it will be appearing in someone else's hands before the end of this Phase...
