MCU: 8 Ways To Integrate Fox Characters

Time travelling and family reunions.

By Scott Banner /

Since the news that Disney may be purchasing 20th Century Fox, Marvel fans everywhere have gone into melt down at the prospect of the likes of The Fantastic Four and The X-Men joining Cap and Iron Man in the MCU.


While fans have every reason to be excited, if these characters are to reach their full potential under the Disney umbrella, it won't be as simple as introducing them all immediately. With dozens of heroes already populating the MCU, fighting for screen time where they can, Marvel has to strategically integrate these newbies to allow for maximum development, and to give them the time and attention they deserve.

Marvel have balanced their enormous roster expertly since the beginning of the MCU, though not perfectly, with a handful of characters not being able to live up to expectations or potential. With these former Fox properties finally making the leap into the MCU (hypothetically at this point), there is a lot pressure on Kevin Feige and Marvel to get it right, and do everyone justice.

All this begins with how they are brought into the Universe in the first place. While the timing has to be perfect, the introduction of these characters also has to make sense within the wider story of the MCU.

8. Storm - Black Panther's Wife

Throughout comic book history, and in the X-Men movie franchise, Ororo Munroe AKA Storm, has proven herself as one of the most powerful mutants on Earth, even being entrusted to lead the X-Men for a time, so her introduction into the MCU would be a big deal.


Ororo's relationship with T'Challa from the comics could be used as her MCU introduction. In a Black Panther sequel we could see the king head to Egypt on a diplomatic mission. While there he meets, and falls in love with, Ororo, bringing her home as his new wife and queen.

In the comics, after ruling Wakanda and visiting the likes of Latveria, Attilan and Atlantis as the royal couple, T'Challa was unable to forgive Storm for being absent while Wakanda fell under attack, believing her allegiances lay with The X-Men.

Adapting this story would not only give Marvel the chance to highlight the power and importance of Ororo, seeing her grow so close to T'Challa just to have them ripped apart in a blind rage, fuelled by the love of the latter's nation, would add another layer to each of the characters that would affect them considerably.

The invasion on Wakanda would also be the perfect way for Marvel to finally introduce Namor into the MCU, given the history of Black Panther and The Sub-Mariner in the comics.
