MCU: Every Phase Three Post Credit Scene Ranked Worst To Best

"Sometimes patience can be the key to victory. Sometimes it leads to very little."

By Scott Banner /

There is no movie franchise quite like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After the release of Spider-Man: Far From Home, it now boasts an astonishing 23 movies in its back-catalogue. These are made up of several different franchises under the larger the umbrella franchise, but all tie in together and relate at the same time.


This is not an easy thing to achieve, yet after so many movies and so many years, the MCU manages to keep audiences interested. There are many reasons for this. The reputation Kevin Feige and co. have earned for putting out quality movies time after time, the success of the crossover movies that act as the final chapter of each phase, and the post-credit scenes.

Marvel have used these little snippets to tease what is on the cards in the near future for the MCU, to keep the audience's interest ticking over until the next movie, or even just to allow the fans one last laugh before they leave the cinema.

After being closed out by the second Spider-Man movie of the franchise, phase three has continued in this tradition. There is no doubt that Marvel Studios are experts at this aspect of building a franchise, and it has now become somewhat a trademark of the MCU. That is not to say, however, that every single one is a winner. Some have been incredibly underwhelming, while some have been utterly breathtaking.

22. Ant Man And The Wasp - Ant Playing The Drums

At the beginning of Ant-Man and the Wasp, we find Scott Lang placed under house arrest for the part he played in Civil War, defying the Accords and fighting beside Captain America. The ankle bracelet he is given means he cannot leave the house at all, but when Hope and Hank need him, they figure out a way around this.


By tagging a giant ant instead of the titular hero himself, Scott is able to leave the house freely without the authorities noticing. After waiting until the end of the credits, all we see is this ant playing the drums, just like Scott did earlier in the movie.

It's a quirky little scene that fits the tone of the rest of the movie, but was it worth hanging around for? Absolutely not.
