Mears is Jason for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART II: REMAKE

He looks like Kane from the WWE but Mears gets to play his own monster in the Platinum Dunes remake.

By Matt Holmes /

I was always wonder if this is news because although of course it is very important to know who the man behind these big monster characters are, you probably won't know who he is anyway even if I tell you his name and show you a pic! AICN say Derek Mears will play Jason Vorhee's in the Platinum Dunes remake/re-imagining of the Friday the 13th series which looks to begin at Vol. II and focus around the iconic serial killing monster. Mears has made a career out of bit part roles (usually as Thug No. 4 etc) and for working on films stunts as he did for the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies and the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Apparently this guy is a huge geek so he was pretty honored when this opportunity worked out for him. It's a real shame they have decided to ditch the first movie as part of their re-imaging. I'm sure I said this in my post about the movie but I think if they had thought about what they were doing a little more and really slow built towards a Jason appearance in the second or third movie, then we would feel the benefit of it. If the Saw franchise is the success that these remakes are trying to replicate then they should really take note of the character development of that series and really tried to bring a sense of longevity to it instead of doing what Rob Zombie did with Halloween, and hack jobbing a selfish movie together to appease his fanboy urges to reinvent a film he loved. And I would certainly advise them to actually create some likeable characters and have some of them survive for sequels. Your franchises will benefit from it.