Meryl Streep: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

At least until they finally make Kramer Vs Kramer Vs Alien Vs Predator.

By Tom Baker /

What kind of sane human being doesn't like Meryl Streep? Well there was that one guy who said as much to Zooey Deschanel's character during a speed dating montage in an episode of New Girl, but she kicked him to the curb immediately. Because how could you possibly date a person with such an incorrect opinion. A three-time Academy Award winner who has the record for the most Oscar nominations of any actor (fifteen for Best Actress and three for Best Supporting Actress), as well as being the most-nominated performer in Golden Globe Awards history with seven wins, not to mention a load of BAFTAs, critic's awards, Streep is one of the most-decorated actors in history. And not without good reason. She's probably the greatest living actor working in the business today, both on the big screen and on stage, with an unparalleled knack for adopting the nuances, accents, and tics that make a character seem like an actual human being. This weekend she appears as The Witch in the musical adaptation Into The Woods which looks...well, not amazing, but she'll be good in it. Her career is one almost entirely made of highs, but every so often, there's a couple of lows hidden in there. As we do every Friday (or Sunday if we are running a little late!), let's examine the five best and five very worst performances in actor's career. This time, Meryl Streep.