Michael Moore's SLACKER UPRISING online, in full, and for free...

By Matt Holmes /

I've spent the morning updating with Michael Moore's latest film SLACKER UPRISING on in the background, you see the loud mouth documentary filmmaker has made his latest project viewable in it's entirety for free, online. If you live in the U.S. or Canada you can watch the 140 minute movie HERE, otherwise it will have to be the Youtube version below...


Moore, on his official website said...
"This is being done entirely as a gift to my fans. The only return any of us are hoping for is the largest turnout of young voters ever at the polls in November."
The movie follows Moore's 2004 college tour as he tried to encourage 18-29 years olds (i.e. "The Slackers") to vote. Under a different title CAPTAIN MIKE ACROSS AMERICA and slightly different cut, the movie played at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival to a meager response. My opinion from watching it right now? Well I enjoyed it, the subject matter isn't as hard hitting as the usual Moore doc but you can't complain when it's for free! source - aicn