Mile 22 Review: 3 Ups & 6 Downs

A shoddy Mark Wahlberg action vehicle.

By Jack Pooley /


The new Mark Wahlberg-Peter Berg action romp Mile 22 finally lands in UK cinemas this week,'s not good.


Critics have been dog-piling on it since its state-side release a few weeks ago, and considering how badly the movie pales in comparison to Wahlberg and Perg's prior collaborations such as Lone Survivor and Deepwater Horizon, it's with damn good reason.

If you're in the market for a low-rent thriller that leaves almost zero lasting impression and go in with suitably low expectations, you might find this just barely watchable. Otherwise, it's a thoroughly forgettable, technically sloppy action flick that feels bloated even with a mercifully short run-time.


Mile 22 was produced as the intended beginning of a franchise, but given the movie's pitiful reviews and paltry box office - only barely recouping its $50 million budget - those plans have clearly gone up in smoke.

If you really like Mark Wahlberg maybe just catch this one on VOD in a few months, but seriously, awards season's just around the corner: you don't need to give this poorly-conceived dreck your cash...
