MILK trailer

Gus Van Sant's compelling biopic of the first openly gay elected man in U.S. political office starring Sean Penn.

By Matt Holmes /

Watching this brilliant trailer for Gus Van Sant's biopic of the first openly gay elected man in U.S. political office Harvey Milk and I'm glad it's Van Sant that got the chance to make this movie and not Bryan Singer. No that I mean to discredit Singer in any way but I can't imagine a movie telling this inspiring tale in a better way than this and Sean Penn really looks to have knocked it out of the park. The trailer also manages the difficult task of making several conflicts in Milk's life apparent and teasing us as to how they will unfold without giving an awful lot away. This is a must see film...

WATCH IT IN HD HEREJosh Brolin, Emile Hirsch, Diego Luna and James Franco make up what is a compelling cast, though I will say none of them particularly stood out from the trailer. The movie will start a slow burning release at the end of November and should gradually go wider as December rolls on.


source - aicn
