Money Where My Mouth Is... Ray's Directorial Debut hits OWF!

Rather than just bitch about the creative efforts of others, I attempt to give it a shot myself.

By Ray DeRousse /

The world is full of critics. Grumpy, negative, and generally sour critics. Ask anyone who has ever faced the sting of a critic's words, and they'll tell you it hurts. They'll also tell you that most critics are talentless nobodies who have never attempted to do anything themselves. Instead, they'll say, a critic merely sits back and judges the efforts of others rather than create their own art. It's a fair call. The internet is filled with fanboys and wannabee critics who piss and moan over the efforts of those with actual entertainment jobs. Of course, most of those people collectively have less creativity than the ball sweat of a schizophrenic homeless man, but that's beside the point. The fact is that these people are trying to create something to entertain millions of people ... and critics do nothing but bitch. That's why I'm interested in making my own films. Not content with bitching about Hollywood, I feel I should be willing to, in the spirit of that old cliche, put my money where my mouth is and try it for myself. So, without further ado, here is a short film I made with several friends for a short film competition. We only had one day in which to make the entire thing, which definitely stressed our limited production. Adding to the difficulty was a little girl making her acting debut, and she wasn't exactly into the part. I had no time for color correction and other such niceties. I basically finished it right before the film was due. Anyway, here's the film ... let me have it!!