Which Movie Do You Love That Very Few People Have Seen?

Great movies that only you seem to know about.

By WhatCulture /

Sometimes it feels like everyone is always talking about the same old movies - the "classics" have been established for years already, after all, and we all sit down to the same blockbusters week after week... it's harder to break out and see those films that fall outside of those kinds of circles; great movies that are a little more elusive to find, that haven't been bombarded with critical reviews telling you whether to watch them, that exist in a state of their own being. Stumbling upon these sorts of movies offers up a rare situation; the chance to form your own opinion. Which is another way of directing the question... which little known movie do you love that very few other people have seen? A movie that you constantly refer back to as a favourite that most people have probably never heard of or are aware existed? Is it an obscure foreign flick? A movie that hasn't been advertised or marketed all out of proportion? A wonderful low-budget indie film that never found proper distribution? Something you randomly ended up watching on TV at four o'clock in the morning that you couldn't stop staring at for some weird reason? Our pick goes to a little film called Take Out from back in 2004, an obscure indie gem which depicts a day in the life of an illegal Chinese immigrant, who works as a deliveryman for a Chinese take-out restaurant in New York. This film is about as underseen as they come; you never hear about it, and yet it's rocking a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes with 24 reviews. It's shot in a sort of documentary style, lacks big incidents or set-pieces, but is somehow gripping and infectious in its realistic grittiness. Produced on a budget of near zero, it's a flick everyone should see. So... which movie would you select? Let us know your picks in the comments section below, and let's share some underrated - and underseen - favourites.