Must Watch: Newly Rediscovered STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE Featurette

By Mark Clark /

Hero Complex has posted a brilliant, vintage, making-of featurette from 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, slightly wobbly sound and picture included. The fascinating 10-minute featurette has never been showcased on any home-video format, so it's definitely something of a treat, and provides a highly informative peak behind the curtain of the first Star Trek movie. Fascinating, as Spock might say. Included in the footage is an on-set celebration of director Robert Wise's birthday, a close look at the model work and more. The highlight is definitely an uncomfortably fascinating sequence of Persis Khambatta getting her lovely locks shaved off for the role of Ilia. Seeing Leonard Nimoy as Spock in space exploration suit and loafers might come a close second though. L.A. Times won't let us embed, so you will need to click HERE to see the footage! As Geoff Boucher says in the post, there has been a bit of backlash against the supposed awfulness of the Enterprise's first cinematic adventure. Personally speaking I've always liked it, although I might have cut some of the Kirk flies around the Enterprise in 'dry-dock' sequence. For some reason that can seem as long as all the sequels put together.