Colin Farrell Confirmed For TOTAL RECALL Re-do But Wont Be 'Getting His Ass To Mars'

By Neil Upton /

Those fellows over at Collider had the opportunity to speak to producer Neal Moritz recently and he offered a few tasty nuggets of info of the upcoming remake of Philip K Dick's Total Recall. Here's what he had to say;
€œWe€™re doing the movie with Colin Farrell.€
No surprises here, Farrell's been heavily linked since around October last year and recently had to give up David Cronenberg's almost one-man show Cosmopolis to make it happen...
€œWe€™re not gonna do Recall in 3D, we decided that it would be too much.€
That's a turn up for the books. This probably has something to do with the already huge budget that is rumoured to be around the $200 million mark. I still cant believe that figure, we haven't seen $200 million spent on a Colin Farrell picture in years. Mortiz also talks about the look of the film;
€œI think the world that Len Wiseman is creating is incredible. It€™s a real world, a real future world, where the cities have just gotten so overcrowded that the cities are just built up, up, up, up. It€™s just everything I see on the movie, every pre-vis I see on the movie, every conceptual drawing on this movie that I see just makes me more and more excited. We€™re playing it like a real world, but there€™s all these technological advancements to the real world, and it€™s just really, it€™s cool. It€™s an awesome movie. I€™m dying€”as a fan of movies, more than anything, it€™s a movie that I€™m just dying to see.€
and about faithfulness to the material;
€œIt€™s closer to the book, the big difference is we don€™t go to space.€
€œinstead of it being a spaceship that takes us to another planet, there€™s something that takes us from one side of the planet to another that€™s really interesting.€
So Farrell wont be 'getting his ass to Mars'. It's obvious Moritz is excited about the film so far, he always talks a good game. But that'll only get you so far when Len Wiseman is directing. If he stuffs this one up like he did with Die Hard 4.0, it'll take more than a memory cap for me to forget. Filming on the update begins May 15th, in Toronto.