New Bumblebee Poster Teases The Best Transformers Movie In Years

Still waiting on the John Cena character poster, though.

By Josh Brown /

Paramount Pictures

The more that's revealed from the upcoming Transformers spinoff, Bumblebee, the more it looks like one of the best entries in the whole franchise. Hot off the heels of a few great trailers, Paramount has dropped the latest poster, which once again draws attention to the relationship between the titular robot in disguise and Hailee Steinfeld's Charlie.


In the same vein as the initial teaser poster, it's the dynamic between these two characters that's highlighted here. By the looks of it, Paramount and director Travis Knight are attempting to make the most personal Transformers movie yet, deciding to go smaller rather than bigger coming off the previous flicks.

Sure, there's still no doubt going to be exhilarating action sequences and more than a couple scenes of John Cena bringing the smackdown (sorry), but the latest poster acts as yet another statement of intent: this isn't going to be just another Transformers movie, but a reinvention of the entire franchise. It's a lofty ambition, and we'll know if it's succeeded come the film's release on December 21st.


Here's the full poster...

Paramount Pictures

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