New Jesse James Trailer Hits

By Will Reynolds /

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a movie that seems to have been on the shelf forever. I'm not entirely certain when it filmed, but Warner Bros are obviously not quite sure what to do with. Westerns are tricky beasts, there's probably an interesting essay on those films and why Hollywood sees it as a dead genre, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out. This new Jesse James trailer is visually striking, and aside from one shot that's cribbed straight from Gladiator, I thought it brilliantly set the mood and tone for this movie. Director Andrew Dominik exploded onto the indie scene with Chopper back in 2000 and it's a shame we've had to wait seven years to see him work again. From the look of this footage, Brad Pitt pulls off the grizzled, moody look pretty well and Casey Affleck is all wide-eyed and stalkerish in his admiration for James. Perhaps with 3:10 to Yuma and this, the Western may live again. The film will get a limited release next month in the US after showing at the Toronto and Venice Film Festivals. source - moviefone
