New #Legacy Trailer Promises #BestNightOfYourLife

Prepare for lots of hashtags.

By Alex Leadbeater / It's rare that movie advertising gets that hashtags aren't just marketing buzz phrases, but cheeky summations of people's actions. That's what immediately jumps out about the trailer for Legacy (stylised as #Legacy) - throughout the tease the events are accompanied by real-sounding hashtags that are less about virality and more about summing up emotions; #OnOurWay, #Out4Revenge, #WhateverTheCost, #etc. The film follows a group of teens who, when they're rejected from a big party event, decide to create their own legendary night. The cast includes a couple of notable names (Franz Drameh, from Attack The Block, is the lead), but the big star is the music; as the trailer screams, it has a #BangingSoundtrack with tracks from the likes of #Rudimental and #Example appearing. Check out the trailer above for a look/listen. A home-grown, British production from Unstoppable Entertainment (who made Adulthood and, there's hope that Legacy will be another solid Brit-youth drama/comedy. The presence of all those personality-driven hastags in a film that will invariably be all about social networking is a good sign, suggesting it'll offer up something relatively new in the surprisingly full mega-party sub-genre. Legacy has a limited cinema release on 25th June and will be available on DVD and Digital on 29th June.
