New Suicide Squad Magazine Cover Suggests The Joker As Puppet Master

How's that for a perfect, creepy image?

By Simon Gallagher /

Cinema Teaser

Just when you thought you couldn't love Jared Leto's Joker any more, the character has been featured on the front cover of Cinema Teaser magazine and become immediately even more irresistible.


Crucially, it's hard not to take the message from this cover that Mr J is somehow pulling the strings of the Squad, controlling them from wherever he holes himself up after Batman captures Harley Quinn.

Is this a hint that he's actually more involved than previously thought? Is he manipulating the entire situation to get his Harley back? Maybe that's why he's holding her?


Either way, that's a stunningly creepy image.

Here are the two special covers for Cinema Teaser, which I'll be honest, I want immediately.

Cinema Teaser
Cinema Teaser

Do you think this theory could be true? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread below.