New THOR Posters Welcome The God Of Thunder & Idris Elba

By Matt Holmes /

A huge part of me still mourns Matthew Vaughn's take on Thor that never was but in any event, I don't have a time machine so I can't change history and whether I like it or not in seven weeks time (eight weeks if you are in the U.S.) Kenneth Branagh's version of The God of Thunder will kick-off 2011's rather congested superhero season. Currently residing third in our most anticipated superhero films of the year list (firmly behind X-Men: First Class & Captain America but ahead of Green Lantern) - Thor is probably the toughest concept on paper to translate to the big screen. Attempting to work both as an alternative reality, Greek mythology-esque family torment & betrayal drama and also a contemporary Superman-style blockbuster saga about a powered alien being on Earth - the trailers so have have proven to be a mixed bag but as long as it's entertaining and it doesn't take itself too seriously, we're hopeful of a fun ride. Or at least praying for one anyway. Paramount and Marvel are likely to kick marketing into full gear this spring as the release date looms and this weekend IGN have showcased two new posters from the film. The first is featured at the top of the post and includes Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Natalie Portman (Jane Foster), Anthony Hopkins (Odin) and extremely surprisingly, Idris Elba (Heimdall) who yes has a strong supporting part but why wasn't the film's main villain, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) included instead? Removing Loki from the poster & including a supporting character is like a poster for The Dark Knight including Eric Roberts (Maroni) and not The Joker. The second poster is a pretty weak effort with a lazy-ass font and I would have sworn it was a decent but clearly fake fan-made photoshop effort if it wasn't for the Marvel logo in the corner.