New Trailer Tease Released For Star Wars: Rogue One

A trailer for a trailer.

By James Hunt /


A new Star Wars: Rogue One trailer is coming this Thursday, airing as part of the Olympics, and in the build-up to that we've now got a teaser to advertise it. So yes, a trailer for a trailer.


It's not yet clear just what this new trailer will consist of, and whether it'll be the Vader one shown at Star Wars Celebration Europe last month, or something entirely new, but the tease does at least give us a couple of hints at what we can expect to see.

There's a look at the all new U-wing taking off, a shot of a hooded Jyn Erso on sneaking around on new planet Jedha, and then a few quick shots of some of the other key members of the team: Jiang Weng's assassin Baze Malbus; Alan Tudyk's mo-cap droid K-2SO; Diego Luna's Intelligence Officer Cassian Andor; and then Donnie Yen's spiritual warrior Chirrut Imwe, taking down a bunch of Stormtroopers as per. It's all rounded off by another great shot of the AT-ATs on the beach planet Scarif.


You can watch the tease below, and stay tuned for the full trailer this Thursday. Let us know what you're hoping to see from it down in the comments.
