New Venom Trailer Promises To Eat Your Face Clean Off

Well, that's... encouraging?

By Simon Gallagher /


It's time to get divisive again.


The second main trailer for Venom has now been released by Sony and while it has a lot of promise, there's also going to be a lot in there that might make some fans a little uneasy.

You can see the approach to this trailer very clearly: after criticism of the first trailer for not really showing us what it was (or showing enough Venom), this is a far more balls-out celebrating of the lunacy of Venom as a character. This is his showcase - and a showcase of the film's stunning-looking effects - and that's absolutely not a bad thing.


If you take it in the way Sony clearly want us to - a weird horror/comedy mash-up that merges traditional Cronenberg body horror with a sort of invasion of the bodysnatchers/Sherman Klump vibe - it's thoroughly enjoyable. And there's definitely a lot to be excited about.


That last line is bound to be the biggest selling point for lots of people - or at least the biggest TALKING point, since there will be lots of people who think it's terrible - but look beyond that and the effects are great, Tom Hardy looks great and there's far more in there hinting at the actual meat of the story. It also helps that we get a little more of Riz Ahmed's villain in there too.

What do you think of this trailer? Share your reactions below.


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