Nico Tortoerella joins SCREAM 4, full character breakdowns leaked...

By Matt Holmes /

Make It or Break It actor Nico Tortorella has joined the cast of Scream 4, posting the news on his Twitter account on Saturday;
€œHuge news today!!!! Just officially got cast in Scream 4!!!! Today is always the best day of my life.€
/film say he is likely to play Trevor Sheldon, described in the casting calls as;
€œHandsome high school jock, but quiet and intense, as though a secret hangs over his head.€
/film have the full casting calls, which we can now put against the cast.... Obviously there's the returning Scream trio Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox-Arquette and David Arquette. Then; Emma Roberts leads as Jill Kessler - a cousin to Sidney Presscot - "pretty in an ingenue way. Smart, strong. A little goofy, but she makes it sexy. Full of contradictions, but instantly likeable. Not a mean bone in her body. They€™re not close, but Jill is Sidney€™s cousin.€ Hayden Panettiere as Jill's best friend Kirby Reed, a nerdy film lover (who looks like she does???) - €œCute and quirky, was a tomboy until a year ago, now she€™s alternative, cool and sexy. Jill€™s best friend. She€™s a pop culture and horror aficionado;€ Rory Culkin as Charlie Walker, a love interest for Jill - €œMessy cute.. A little cocky, he likens himself to €˜Randy€™ from Scream 1 without the nerd part. No such luck, he€™s definitely a nerd. May or may not have a crush on Jill. He€™d never admit it if he does;€ Lake Bell as Deputy Judy Hicks - €œA police officer, decidedly sexy but a bit off, she knew Sidney from high school. Didn€™t make a big enough impression for Sidney to remember her. Likes her boss, Dewey, perhaps a little too much. And then the roles not yet cast; OLIVIA MORRIS (17-18; any ethnicity) Sexy and hot. A fun girl who knows how to be bitchy without being a bitch. She finds a way to make every situation about her, but somehow does it in a charming way. Part of the Jill, Kirby, Charlie, Trevor friend group; DETECTIVE HOSS (MALE 30s-40s; any ethnicity) New school cop. College graduate raised on the CSI TV series. NAME CAMEOS PREFERRED; DETECTIVE PERKINS (MALE 30s-40s; any ethnicity) Old school cop. Cocky, bigoted, and snarky. NAME CAMEOS PREFERRED; PATTY (17-18; any ethnicity) A bouncy teenage girl with a fountainhead of pop culture that is impressive. Like all teenagers who live in Woodsboro, she is obsessed with the Woodsboro murders and with the STAB films; MARNIE (17-18; any ethnicity) Friend of Patty€™s. Funny and mischievous; loves practical jokes. Sometimes pushes too far. Bored with Woodsboro€™s obsessions with murders that happened when she and her friends were toddlers; BETTE (20s; any ethnicity) Sidney€™s personal assistant. Type A who gets the job done. Secretly yearns for Sidney€™s fame and fortune; REBECCA (17-18; any ethnicity) Cute, vain, over-achieving student at Woodsboro High School. Editor in Chief of the high school newspaper. She€™s a future Gale Weathers. Scream 4 is gearing up to film in Michigan later this month from director Wes Craven based on the first of three screenplays by creator Kevin Williamson. The film will be set in Sidney Prescott€™s hometown of Woodsboro and will roughly play out in real time, set a decade after the events of the last movie. The movie is aiming for an April 15th, 2011 release.