"Nostradmus comic" acquired & Lost Squad finds directors

By Matt Holmes /

Two comic book movie news today... The first set of news is that Paramount Pictures have acquired the film rights to the upcoming comic book series The Foundation. The Boom Studio's five issue mini series uses the readings of Nostradamus as it's backdrop...
In the tale, Nostradamus' books of foreshadowing made him a rich man, and he took his riches and created a foundation to prevent the prophesies from happening. The comic focuses on the secret team in the present day who uses the prophet's published and unpublished works to predict threats to the world.
The second bit of news is that the WWII comic book series Lost Squad which we reported was set for a movie adaptation way back in August, has finally found a director. Well two actually. Stephen St. Leger and James Mather will be helming their first feature length film after previously directing a 15 minute short film titled Prey Alone.
€œLost Squad€ chronicles the adventures of a ragtag unit of Allied soldiers who fight Hitler€™s occult agents and other supernatural threats during WWII€.
Both flicks sound pretty cool and have tons of potential. We shall be keeping an eye on them both over the following months. source - the hollywood reporter, coming soon