Not a funny situation

By Matt Holmes /

Funny People (hopefully Adam Sandler and Judd Apatow - depending on how it works out) in London, along with an early screening and press conference attendance for the opening next week in the U.K. comedy ... but sadly I've hit a snagg. The four permanent and trust worthy contributors that write for me from the capital are all busy with other work on Monday. Major headache! This situation hasn't really happened before for an event like this which is so useful to the site, I would hate to miss this opportunity. I'm really a bit lost on what to do. I've put a few advertising job notices on various sites around the interwebs but with Monday less than a full day away now, it's unlikely something is going to come from it. I would love to handle it myself but I got stuff for 500 Days of Summer planned to do on Monday, plus a trip down to London just a day before I'm off to Edinburgh to see the new Ricky Gervais "Science" stand-up tour is pretty much impossible.
