Nothing new to report: Danny Boyle stills wants to make 28 MONTHS LATER but can’t

By Matt Holmes /

There is absolutely nothing new to report in regards to the '28 Days' franchise, despite what you might have read from some of my peers. The facts are still these; 1) Danny Boyle desperately wants to make a third movie, titled '28 Months Later', probably set in a European country (maybe Paris or Moscow) either as director (as he did with '28 Days Later') or as producer (as he did with '28 Weeks Later'). 2) There's an issue over who owns the rights to the series which is blocking such a film. 3) '28 Days Later' made only $28.6 million at the domestic U.S. box office, that immediately meant it wasn't that high a priority for any studio exec to resolve the rights issue. That's it. Of course we sincerely hope the situation changes and Boyle gets to continue his own Romero series, and my mind blows at what a '28 Years Later' might look like but for the time being, it's not happening.