Oh yeah, they have cast Sulu too....

35 year old Korean born actor John Cho will be driving the Enterprise.

By Matt Holmes /

Star Trek today which has no doubt been overshadowed by that of Simon Pegg. Korean born actor John Cho, best known for his parts in Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle and American Pie has been cast as Sulu, the Lieutant and one of the helmsman of the ship. At 35, remarkably for Abrams' new version... he is actually older than George Takei when he first took on the role in the 60's although Cho has made a career out of playing parts that are younger than his age. I know very little about Cho and it's been so long since American Pie, I can hardly remember him actually being in it but from that photo on the left he looks in great shape. I always thought of Sulu as being a bit of a bad-ass, a one who more than any other of the original crew, could actually put up a good fight. The story originated as a rumor over at Trek Movie but was this morning confirmed by The Hollywood Reporter. We got more Star Trek on the next post... as I look at the current situation....
