Old Dog New TWIXT - Francis Ford Coppola To Showcase New Film At Comic Con

Coppola to showcase his Val Kilmer starring 'thriller with overtones of horror' in Hall H on July 23rd with rumours of a live music panel from Dan Deacon.

By Adam Lock /

2011€™s Comic Con is only weeks away, and with this comes the news that Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather, Apocalypse Now... but you knew that already right?) will be premiering exclusive footage of his next project, the previously titled €˜Twixt Now And Sunrise€™, renamed simply: Twixt. The film has been called €˜a thriller with overtones of horror€™, and stars Val Kilmer as a writer who during a book tour finds himself caught up in a murder mystery case. Further cast includes Bruce Dern, the young and talented Alden Ehrenreich (Tetro & Somewhere) as well as Elle Fanning (also in his daughter's recent film Somewhere and this year€™s Super 8) as a ghost named V. The footage will be debuting on Saturday the 23rd July in Hall H, with rumours of an experimental edge to the preview in the form of live music. Details of the panel are sparse yet encouraging. Musician Dan Deacon who contributed the film€™s score will apparently be demonstrating the unique approach both him and Coppola have been working on in relation to the interactive aspect of the movie. The press release mentions a live performance from the acclaimed electronic musician (whose score is a first foray into cinema) which should reveal their innovative plans for Twixt. Further proof, Coppola seems to be passionately pushing the boundaries of cinema with each new film, comes reports that in addition to the interactive experience from the score, the auteur may also bring the 3D gimmick to his panel. As early as January of this year it was revealed Twixt would be partially shot in 3D. Now, with 2009€™s criminally overlooked Tetro (Coppola shot the film in black & white, with flashbacks in colour) whether Twixt will follow a similar vein structurally yet with the 2D/3D format remains to be seen. The 3D element is yet to be confirmed, and from my initial thoughts, seems a little skeptical; however the possibilities Coppola discusses in terms of Twixt have left me extremely intrigued for what his Comic Con screening will have to offer. The film came to Coppola in a dream, which he has since coined a gift and was mostly shot on location in Napa on his own private estate. After what seemed a return to form with the underrated Tetro, Coppola continues to experiment, after the endless carte blanche established in the 70€™s which he paved for himself with the stunning run of films from The Godfather to Apocalypse Now, he may now be on a completely different path stylistically these days yet still remains one of the world€™s finest and most exciting directors.