Olympus Has Fallen stars Gerard Butler as a presidential bodyguard who after a tragic accident is removed from duty protecting the United States President played by Aaron Eckhart. Months pass by and the President finds that Mike Banning (Butler) is his only hope for rescue when a terrorist strike hits the Whitehouse. This leaves the nation with Speaker Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) as acting President trying to negotiate with terrorist Kang (Rick Yune) to save the President. Things go from bad to worse when the stakes are raised to not only be the Presidents life being at risk, but also the fate of millions of innocent people. In this video review I look at the good, the bad and the wonderfully ridiculous that is Olympus Has Fallen. I also take a fun look at how even if its not the most original movie of all time, it doesnt stop it being any less kick ass. Most importantly of all I rate the film to find out if this is the best action movie of 2013 so far, whether its worth your hard earned cash at the cinema? Or if you would be better off waiting until it finds its way into the bargain bins at your local Sainsburys? Check out the video review here: http://youtu.be/4DrTrl26txE Do you think the movie deserved the score it got? Overrated? Underrated? Where do you think it will rank in the long list of action movies that will hit cinemas in 2013? See the video and please share, rate, retweet and do all your other social media things and of course please post your comment below!