Oscars 2021 Review: 8 Ups & 8 Downs

The weirdest Oscar season ever finally comes to a close.

By Jack Pooley /

Pixar & Sony Pictures Classic

The absolute slog that is this year's Oscar season has finally, finally come to an end, with the 93rd Academy Awards largely delivering the results most pundits and fans had picked weeks if not months ago.


Indeed, it wasn't a particularly exciting or surprising night for viewers - with one major exception, at least - and despite the producers' attempts to deliver a glitzy ceremony for the age of COVID, some of the lavish special sauce of a "proper" Oscar show definitely felt missing this year.

If some highly questionable creative calls were made behind-the-scenes, Oscar voters should at least be commended for spreading the wealth and rewarding a broad swath of films, such that The Trial of the Chicago 7 was the only Best Picture nominee to go home empty-handed.


As next year will (hopefully) be back to business as usual for the Oscars, which are currently scheduled for February 27, we should all try and luxuriate in the abject, once-in-a-lifetime weirdness of this year's ceremony.

If nothing else, it was like no Oscar show anyone will ever see again, for better and worse...
