Oscars Nominations 2022: 8 Ups & 9 Downs

An unpredictable batch of nominations - some good, some bad.

By Jack Pooley /

Neon & Amazon

It's that time of the year once again, where film fans the world over gather to see which movies the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has chosen to recognise - and which ones to snub of course.


Those who follow the Oscars can't help but pump a fist in the air when their passion pick lands a surprise nomination, and cringe with disgust when their hot fave gets ignored by the Academy altogether.

It's an annual cycle that continues again this year, with the Academy delivering a slate of pretty-good nominees that was low on absolutely glaring omissions, if also not without some head-scratching inclusions.


There's naturally no pleasing everyone, and so this year's batch of nominations represent a typically mixed bag of laudably left-field picks and depressingly cynical, boring, unadventurous ones.

While it certainly seems like the Best Picture and Best Director honours are basically set to go to The Power of the Dog and Jane Campion, the race is still wide open in a number of other categories, hopefully ensuring this won't be yet another painfully predictable Oscar ceremony.


Until then, here's a rundown of what the Academy got right and also frustratingly slept on...