OUIJA Spells Out MCG...

By Neil Upton /

After Pierre Morel (Taken) dropped out of directing back in October, it was down to two men to put forward their visions for the Ouija board game-to-film adaptation. They were McG and Breck Eisner. Deadline have announced that McG (Terminator Salvation) has won out and Breck Eisner, who directed the zippy remake of The Crazies, is out of luck. From Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes, Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis (Tron Legacy) are on screenplay duties and the $100 million film is set for a November 2012 release. This is just one of a string of Hasbro properties Universal has in development as part of their 6 year development deal. Others include the already existing Transformers and GI Joe franchises and the upcoming Peter Berg alien invasion epic Battleships. Not so much a man to divide opinion, but blow it up and dangle it amateurishly from wires, McG hasn't helped himself in recent years after promising so much during the production of Terminator Salvation and ultimately delivering a soulless, blandest of the bland experience. However, Universal still have faith that he is the man to bring this proposed Indiana Jones/Mummy style, family adventure movie to life. Obviously hoping to kick start a budding franchise, the studio will be putting a pretty penny into this one and if McG doesn€™t nail the tone, character and derring-do that the audience expect from this sort of movie, not to mention the box office, he could him slip into the Renny Harlin Zone, a desolate wasteland of straight to dvd action from which there is no return. Is this the last chance saloon for McG, who most recently helmed the Reese Witherspoon/Tom Hardy/Chris Pine outrageous rom-com This Means War. I consulted the spirits earlier and this is what they had to say...


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