Our Fight Against THE TERMINATOR

By Matt Holmes /

You may have noticed over the month of May, Obsessed With Film has suffered an out-of-the-ordinary amount of downtime as we have been the victim of a systemic, viscious and prolonged attack on our security defences - an unforgiving Terminator chasing us everyday and who wants to give us the kind of malware that would permanently put us in the ground. We've done our best to fight it but it's been a daily battle and OWF's webmaster and behind-the-scenes Wizard of Oz genius Peter Willis has almost had a coroner this weekend when we ran out of ideas. But after a new strategy was formed yesterday, we may now have beaten this thing (famous last words in any apocalyptic horror film right?) and the battle might be over. I've been assured by people I know that there will be a Terminator II, III and IV attacks on the site and a sequel is inevitable and it's actually a sign that we are growing. Hackers only go after those with big audiences. But honestly, this is one sequel I hope never gets off the ground. Anyway, so normal Obsessed With Film coverage resumes. Hopefully...