Paris Je'Taime trailer

By Matt Holmes /

The good news is that Paris Je T'aime is getting a U.K. release, and the even better news is that it will be out next month. June 29th to be precise, mark it on your calendars. For those uninformed, Paris Je'Taime has 20 big name directors each shooting their own five minute love story with a different cast of actors and somehow all the stories connect with each other. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE TRAILER Directors like Alfonso Cuaron, Wes Craven and Alexander Payne (among many others) have contributed their own 5 minute segment and as you can see from the trailer, actors such as Elijah Wood, Steve Buscemi, Bob Hoskins and Natalie Portman star. The movie looks like fun, and 20 short movies about one of the most beautiful cities in the world with this talent, can't possibly turn out bad? Looking forward to this. source - filmstalker