PARKED Review: Charming & Mildly Amusing
Parked plods along without really packing the emotional punch that it should, and sadly this undermines the performances of it’s two leads.
rating: 2.5
Fred Daly, (Colm Meaney) quite literally does not have pot to piss in and lives in his clapped out car, which is permanently parked in the local beach car park. Its a meaningless existence until young druggie Cathal (Colin Morgan aka BBCs Merlin) comes into his world. The question is: will Cathals chaotic energy give Freds life the kick up the arse that it needs? Starting off with an always brave dialogue free opening five minutes, Parked meanders along as Fred mopes about, either staring wistfully out to sea, washing in the public toilets, or trying to sign on. From the off, its easy to see that this ambling pace may be a struggle for those audience members with a short attention span and despite the appearance of Cathal entering the fray, we still never get out of second gear (my one and only vehicle related pun, I promise) as the two new-found friends hang out and try to improve their situations. When I start noticing a films soundtrack and the quite nice cinematography in the first third, then theres often something not quite working. This is no fault of Colm Meaney as he imbues Fred with an abundance of pathos, yet the overwhelming problem is we just dont care enough about him. A conscious decision has been made by the writer Ciaran Creagh not to reveal anything telling about Freds backstory. Sure, I get that hes trying to tell us something about the state of Ireland at the moment and this ambiguity about Freds predicament may be to serve that purpose, but this doesnt make for interesting storytelling. It actually makes it really hard for the audience to feel any real empathy for Fred and this is compounded by the fact that he seems to be managing just fine with his situation with absolutely nothing at stake.